Sunday, January 7, 2018

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Low-flying hawk

History behind naming a new building in Seattle as “low flying hawk”

Low-flying-hawk”: In the early days of AWS, the most vocal, highest standard, critical (of us) AWS customer was a person who called himself low-flying-hawk on the AWS Forums. We would constantly be trying to see what low-flying-hawk thought of new features, pricing, issues we were experiencing, etc. He was like a customer in our meeting rooms, without being there. One day, about a year into obsessing about low-flying-hawk, somebody innocently asked "how much money does low-flying-hawk spend per month with us?" We'd never asked ourselves that (which I liked). The answer was something like $2.37/month. But not caring about whether low-flying-hawk was a big spender or not, and treating his feedback as importantly as our biggest spenders, and trying to make sure the customer experience was fantastic for individual developers helped us raise our standards and serve the all-important (and viral) technorati well in the first few years.”  

-Andy Jassy